Question: 1 / 115

What is an example of an unsafe food storage practice?

A closed box of lettuce above a pan of baked beans

The example of an unsafe food storage practice is placing a closed box of lettuce above a pan of baked beans. This practice is unsafe because it can allow contaminants from the raw food items, such as moisture or potential drippage, to transfer onto the ready-to-eat food (in this case, the lettuce). Cross-contamination is a significant food safety risk, as it can lead to foodborne illnesses.

It is crucial to store food items in a way that prevents any raw foods from contaminating those that are ready to eat. Ideally, raw meats should be stored on the lower shelves to prevent their juices from dripping onto other foods, particularly those that won't be cooked before consumption.

A sealed container of tomatoes in the fridge

A basket of bread on the counter

A box of raw meat on the top shelf


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